COVID-19 Protocol for the Annual General Assembly

In preparation for the 2024 MNO Annual General Assembly, and in our efforts to prioritize citizen and staff safety, the MNO has been monitoring COVID-19 transmission, hospitalizations, and intensive care unit (“ICU”) admissions in Ontario.

With the large gathering anticipated for this Annual General Assembly and continuing COVID-19 transmission in Ontario, the MNO recognizes that there may be attendees at the Annual General Assembly who are asymptomatic but still contagious with COVID-19.

Given the above information and expected attendance of vulnerable individuals such as the elderly, the MNO has put in place additional COVID-19 Safety Protocols to ensure the Annual General Assembly is as safe and enjoyable for all attendees as possible. 

 Safety Protocols:

  • Every participant is strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Health Canada) and to have obtained any applicable booster of a COVID-19 vaccine if eligible to do so as of May 17, 2024.
  • Prior to attending the Annual General Assembly, all participants must conduct a self-assessment by visiting this link: and we encourage you to administer a Rapid Antigen Test
  • If you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms as outlined when completing the self-assessment or you do not feel well, you must stay home.
  • If you have a compromised immune system and believe you're susceptible to severe effects from contracting the COVID-19 virus, we urge you to contemplate staying at home.  MNO will not incur any fees associated with persons wishing to change their travel arrangements due to a COVID outbreak. Only those who have contracted the virus while at the event will be sent home by MNO.
  • Strict confidentiality is maintained for attendees who have contracted COVID-19. We will not disclose specific details, only informing others that an individual(s) has contracted the virus and where additional personal protective equipment (PPE), and testing kits are available on site.

Upon Arrival and Before Check-In at the Hotel:

  • All attendees must agree to and complete an Acknowledgment and Consent Form (this document will be available in registration and emails in advance for those who wish to complete it in advance of traveling).

During the Assembly:

  • The MNO strongly encourages all attendees to wear an N95 or approved surgical mask throughout the General Annual Assembly when indoors or when in close contact outdoors.  Consider wearing a tight-fitting, well-constructed mask in indoor public settings, especially if you are at higher risk of severe infection
  • Rapid Antigen Test Kit and masks will be available on site. 
  • Self-administer a Rapid Antigen Test if you are feeling unwell. 
  • If you or anyone in your party tests positive for COVID, you will not be permitted to attend the General Annual Assembly and you will be required to self-isolate in your hotel room until arrangements can be made for safe return home.
  • Meals are available for attendees at the AGA. However, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate in their hotel rooms. The restriction on room service will be lifted until you are able to return home.

Should you require further information or have questions about the above safety protocols, please do not hesitate to contact Shelley Gonneville, Director of Healing and Wellness at or at (613) 295-4501.